Peter and Leslie Van Berkum started their wholesale nursery in 1987, and today they specialize in native perennials with a line called “New England Woodlanders”, which includes strictly propagated plants native to the New England region. In addition to their Woodlander line, the Van Berkums grow over 600 varieties of perennials, both for sun and shade. Their business is primarily to the landscape trade but a growing business is to garden centers.
By Helen Brody (January 23, 2009)
Peter and Leslie Van Berkum started their wholesale nursery in 1987 in a sandpit near their apartment by piping in water from a nearby river. After three years, they bought their current site in Deerfield, NH and today specialize in native perennials with a line called “New England Woodlanders,” which includes strictly propagated plants native to the New England region.
In addition to their Woodlander line, the Van Berkums grow over 600 varieties of perennials, both for sun and shade. Their business is primarily to the landscape trade but a growing business is to garden centers. They encourage their wholesale buyers to periodically visit the gardens to pick up their orders to get a feel for the nursery and the plant material.
One day a year the nursery holds an open house for garden clubs – see Upcoming New Hampshire Farm Events category for this year’s date.
Peter and Leslie Van Berkum
Van Berkum Nursery
4 James Road
Deefield, NH 03037
Wholesale only to plant professionals
check website for garden centers and landscapers selling their plants